33) Default Document Type: (Q). Set the default document type for new
documents you create using the word processor: “DOCX document”, "Sense
document", "Braille document,", "DOC document" or "Text document".
34) Automatically synchronize with time server: (T). Using this feature, you can
ensure the accuracy of the time on the Polaris MINI by synchronizing with an
atomic clock when Polaris MINI is connected to the Internet.
35) Time Announcement: (T). Set the Polaris MINI to announce the time every 5
minutes, every 10 minutes, 30 minutes or every hour.
36) Progress indicator: (P). Defines how the progress of opening a document,
copying files or opening a webpage is indicated: "Silent," (no progress indication)
"Beep," (continuous beeps while the task is performed) and "Message" (progress
is shown as a percentage).
37) Bluetooth: (B). "Backspace-3-4-5-6". Toggles Bluetooth On/Off.
38) Wireless LAN: (W). "Backspace-1-4-5-6". Toggles Wireless LAN On/Off.
39) Screen Reader Hints: (H). Set whether to receive spoken hints about how to
interact with the screen reader as you navigate the controls of 3rd party programs:
40) Screen Reader Control Information: (I). Determines whether the screen
reader speaks the type of control or field as you navigate 3rd party applications:
41) Notification alerts: (N). Set whether you receive push notifications from
Android applications.