to “Week day,” the alarm will go off at the same time every weekday,
Monday through Friday. If “Term” is set to “Everyday,” the alarm will go
off at the specified time 7 days a week, even on weekends. When you
have selected the option you like, press “tab (“Space-4-5”)” to move to
the next field.
17.5.4 Ringing Duration
This option sets the amount of time that the alarm will sound. The
options are 1 minute, 2 minutes, or 3 minutes. Move between these
options by pressing “Space-1” or “Space-4.” If you set the ringing
duration to “1 minute,” the alarm will sound for one minute, and then the
alarm will be silent. To stop the alarm, press “BackSpace-enter.”
17.5.5 Repeat Interval
This option sets the amount of time that will be between the times that
the alarm sounds. For example, after the alarm has stopped sounding, it
will ring again in 3 minutes, if you set the repeat interval to three minutes.
The available settings are 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes. Move between
these options by pressing “Space-1” or “Space-4.”
17.5.6 Wakeup Call Times
This option allows you to decide how many times the alarm will sound.
The available settings are anywhere from 1 to 10 times. For example, if
the alarm is not turned off by pressing “BackSpace-enter,” it will repeat
according to the number of times that you set for this option. Move
between these options by pressing “Space-1” or “Space-4.”
17.5.7 Confirm/Cancel
If you press “Enter” on the “Confirm” button, the changed options will be
saved, and the dialog box will be closed. If you do not want to save the
changes you have made, press “Enter” on the “Cancel” button. The