NIMAS Daisy control includes “image”, “description”, “caption”, “prodnote,
“table”. “image” is displayed on the braille display as “img”. “desc” is for
“description” and “prodnote”. “cap” is for “caption”. “tdt is for “table”.
12.2.3 Book-Info
Using “Book-Info,” you can check the information on the file that is
currently playing.
Press “Space-m (dots 1-3-4)” and press “Enter” on “File.” Press “Space-
4” repeatedly to move to “Book-Info” and press “Enter” on “Book-Info.”
Without calling the menu, you can activate “Book-Info” by pressing
“Enter-i (dots 2-4).”
Activating “Book-Info” will open the “Book-Info” dialog box. In the dialog
box, you will find one state box that contains “running time and pages,”
another state box that contains the “mark information,” and “Close.” You
can move between the three controls with “tab (Space-4-5)” or “shift-tab
(Space-1-2).” In the first state box, you will find “Total time,” “Read time,”
“Remaining time,” “Total pages,” “Current page,” and “Remaining
pages.” In the other state box, you will find the “Total marks” and “Mark
page.” You can move between the items with “Space-1” or “Space-4.” If
you want to close the dialog box, press “Enter” on “Close,” which will
return you to the current file.
12.2.4 Exit
When you want to quit the Daisy player, press “Space-m (dots 1-3-4)” or
“F2,” and press “Enter” on “File.” And press “Space-4” repeatedly to
move to “Exit” and press “Enter” on “Exit.” Or, you can press “Space-z
(dots 1-3-5-6)” without using the “Exit” menu. While exiting, you will hear
the message “Exit DAISY player. Are you sure?” Then, press “Enter” on
“Yes,” which is the default; or if you do not want to exit, you can select
“No” by pressing “Space,” and then press “Enter.”