If you want to connect to a wireless network, you should use the “setup
wireless LAN” function. In order to use the “setup wireless LAN” function,
you must change the wireless option to “On” in the option menu.
Go to the “Utilities” menu that is located in the “program” menu by
pressing “F1,” and then press “Space-4” repeatedly to move to the
“Utility” menu. Then, press “Enter” on “Utilities.” Next, move to “Setup
internet” by pressing “Space-1” or “Space-4,” and then press “Enter” on
“Setup internet.” And then press “Enter” on “Wireless LAN.”
The “Wireless LAN” dialog box consists of the “access point” list,
“Advanced” button and “Close” button. You can move between these
controls by pressing “tab (“Space-4-5”)” or “shift-tab (“Space-1-2”)”. If
you do not have a wireless LAN turned on, you will hear “no item” when
you press “Enter” on “Wireless LAN.”
When you first open the “Wireless LAN” dialog box, the focus is on the
“access point” list. The list has the information of wireless access points
which is searched.
“Access point” list will let you know the “access point name,”
“encryption,” and “sensitivity” of each item. (Ex: linksys, encryption: WEP,
sensitivity: good.) If there is more than one access point in the list, you
can move between them by pressing “Space-1” or “Space-4.” Move to
the “access point” that you want to connect to. And press “Enter.” And
then you will hear the “Connecting with (access point name)” message
and connecting sound. If you are using network key in Access Point
when you press “Enter,” “Network key” edit box will be displayed. In edit
box, you have to input the encrypted key and press “Enter.” And if your
settings are correct, then you will hear “Completed setting profile” with
connecting sound.
The “Advanced” common dialog box is used to modify the added profile
or add new profile or check the existed profile. If you press “Enter” on
the “Advanced” button while wireless LAN turned off, “no item” will be
displayed. Pressing “Enter” on the “advanced” button, while wireless
LAN turned on. The “Advanced” dialog box has 5 controls. You can