3) The “Utilities” menu has several submenus under each of the
menu items.
The following sections will discuss each of these menu options and their
functions in greater detail.
17.1 Calculator
Using the calculator on the Braille Sense U2 you can do simple math
equations as well as complex scientific calculations. The results and
formulas will be displayed in Braille, and spoken by the Braille Sense U2.
While using the calculator, you can refer to the “help” menu by pressing
“Space-h (dots 1-2-5).” The “help” menu is very useful as you can
quickly access hot key information for the various programs on the
Braille Sense U2.
When you want to use the calculator you can press “c (dots 1-4)” from
within the “Utilities” menu. When using the calculator on the Braille
Sense U2, you need to type using computer Braille when calculating or
inserting your formulas. You can initialize your calculation line by
pressing “Backspace-c (dots 1-4).” If you insert numbers or a function
into a result, the result will disappear; and if you put in operators, you
can get to the next step. In addition, you can keep your result in the
calculator’s memory, and you can recall it when you need the result. You
can use the function and operators via the calculator menu or you can
use the hot keys depending on which method works best for you.
All of these functions are explained in greater detail below.
17.1.1 General Functions
“General functions” is a dialog box that contains the “general function
list,” a “Confirm” button, and a “Cancel” button. In the dialog box, you
can navigate through the items with “tab (“Space-4-5”)” and “shift-tab
(“Space-1-2”)”. In the general function list, you can navigate the
operators using “Space-1” or “Space-4.” Or, in the list, you can press the
first letter of the operator that you want to go to. In the “Calculator,” you
can open the menu by pressing “Space-m (dots 1-3-4)” or “F2,” and