please see section 19.3.2. When you are reading the manual on the
Braille Sense U2, you can search for text in the various sections by
pressing “Space-f (dots 1-2-4),” type the text you wish to find, and then
press “Enter.” You can find the next occurrence of the particular text that
you have previously searched for by pressing “Enter-f (dots 1-2-4).”
The section, “Basic functions help,” gives an explanation of the “Global
options” functions and common function, and how to use them. To
access the help file, press “F1” to go to the “program” menu, and use
“Space-4” repeatedly until you find “Help.” Then, press “Enter” on “Help.”
Then, press “Enter” on “Basic functions help.” The navigation keys are
the same as in the word processor. For a list of the navigation keys,
please see section 19.3.2. Remember that when you are reading the
manual on the Braille Sense U2, you can search for text in the various
sections by pressing “Space-f (dots 1-2-4),” type the text you wish to find,
and then press “Enter.”
You can find the next occurrence of the particular text that you have
previously searched for by pressing “Enter-f (dots 1-2-4).”
The remaining sections cover each of the functions of the Braille Sense
U2 in detail. To access these help files, press “F1” to go to the “program”
menu, and use “Space-4” repeatedly until you find “Help.” Then, press
“Enter” on “Help.” Then, press “Enter” on the section that you want to
read. The navigation keys are the same as in the word processor.
Remember that when you are reading the manual on the Braille Sense
U2, you can search for text in the various sections by pressing “Space-f
(dots 1-2-4),” type the text you wish to find, and then press “Enter.” Also,
you can find the next occurrence of the particular text that you have
previously searched for by pressing “Enter-f (dots 1-2-4).”
To access this section, press “F1” to go to the “program” menu, and use
“Space-4” repeatedly until you find “Help.” Then, press “Enter” on “Help.”
Then, press “Enter” on “Command summary.” The navigation keys are
the same as in the word processor. Remember that when you are
reading the manual on the Braille Sense U2, you can search for text in
the various sections by pressing “Space-f (dots 1-2-4),” type the text you
wish to find, and then press “Enter.” You can find the next occurrence of