For File,” and press “Enter” or “b.” Or, you can press “Space-f (dot 1-2-
4)” without calling the menu. Then, you can see dialog box for file search.
The dialog box for file search consists of “edit window for file name to
search”, “combo box to select a disk”, “check box to searching sub-
folder”, “search button”, “cancel button” and “list to be searched file” and
you can use “tab (Space-4-5)” or “shift-tab (Space-1-2)” to move to each
When you perform file search, you will hear “File for find:” This edit
window is “edit window for file name to search.” You need to input whole
or part of the file name and press “Enter.” Then, it will search all files
which contains the word which you inputted in the current disk. After the
file search, it is located in “list to be searched file” automatically.
You can press up and down arrow keys (“Space-1” and “Space-4”) to
move to each file in “list to be searched file.” If you press “Enter” on a file,
it moves to the path where a file is stored and dialog box for file search
will be closed. You can open the file by pressing “Enter” on the file name
once again.
If you want to search a file in another disk, not in current disk, you need
to input file name and press “tab (Space-4-5)” to move to “combo box to
select disk.” Then, you can press up and down arrow keys (“Space-1”
and “Space-4”) to move to a disk. If you press “Enter” on a disk or
“Search button,” it will start to search a file in a disk. In “combo box to
select disk,” you can see the disk list which is linked with Braille Sense
U2 now. If there are many files in a disk, it can take some time to search
a file and you can see a message of “searching.”
If you want to search in a root of a disk excluding sub-folders, then press
“tab (Space-4-5)” to move to the “check box to searching sub-folder,”
press “Space” to cancel the selection in the check box and press “Enter.”
The default set-up is to include sub-folders when you search in a disk.
4.2.13 Sort Files By