Memory game
When the game is started, you can hear numbers or alphabets one by
one. Take stage 1 For instance, it will say 3 numbers one by one.
Memorize these numbers.
When it says “Type the answer”, write the numbers in the order and
press “Enter”. If the answer is correct, you can go next question. If the
answer is incorrect or time is over, you can hear a beep sound and the
game will be over. Answering time is 10 seconds.
When the game is over, it will say your score. If your score is between
rank 1 and 5, it will say “Type your ID”. Write your name and press
“Enter” to record. (You can check your record in ‘View ranking’ menu) Or
press “Space-e (dots 1-5) or “Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)” to skip it.
Finally, it will ask “Do you want to play again?” Press “Enter” on “Yes” to
play game again. Or press “Enter” on “No” to back to game menu. Reverse game
When the game is started, you can hear numbers or alphabets one by
one. Take stage 1 For instance, it will say 3 numbers one by one.
Memorize these numbers.
When it says “Type the answer”, write the numbers in reverse order and
press “Enter”. If the answer is correct, you can go next question. If the
answer is incorrect or time is over, you can hear a beep sound and the
game will be over. Answering time is 10 seconds.
When the game is over, it will say your score. If your score is between
rank 1 and 5, it will say “Type your ID”. Write your name and press
“Enter” to record. (You can check your record in ‘View ranking’ menu) Or
press “Space-e (dots 1-5) or “Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)” to skip it.
Afterwards, it will ask “Do you want to play again?” Press “Enter” on
“Yes” to play game again. Or press “Enter” on “No” to back to game
menu. Chase a criminal