Operation Manual
c Operator’s Manual Ver. 3.18 Rev. 1.01
Part Number MAN-000004-2
Setup Mode Settings
Enables/disables bin channels. When you get to the bins option, all the LEDs will light up. If an LED is blinking, this
means that the associated bin is NOT being monitored. If an LED is steady on, then the associated bin is being
monitored. This option can also be configured in the Operation Settings.
1. Press the BIN key to select the desired bin.
2. Use the UPPER
keys to enable or disable bins.
Segmented display:
Rated Value
The average rated output in millivolt/volt (mV/V) of the load cells. If using load cells
than the HerdStar load cells,
you may need adjust this value appropriately.
DO NOT change this setting from the default of 3.000 if you are using HerdStar load cells
1. Press the BIN key to select the desired bin.
2. Use the UPPER
key to increase the rated output by 0.001.
3. Use the LOWER key to decrease the rated output by 0.001.
Segmented display:
Load Cell Capacity Value
Sets the total capacity of each bin. The total capacity is the sum of all the load cells rated capacity. This can be
calculated by multiplying the capacity of individual load cells by the number of legs on the bin. Example: A four-legged
bin using 10k load cells would result in an L.C.CAP setting of 40000.
When setting up for kilograms, convert the total capacity to kilograms.
1. Press the BIN key to select the desired bin.
2. Use the UPPER
key to increase the value by 1 lb.
3. Use the LOWER key to decrease the value by 1 lb.
Segmented Display: