Operation Manual
c Operator’s Manual Ver. 3.18 Rev. 1.01
Part Number MAN-000004-2
Select Bin for Display
Press the BIN key to cycle through the enabled bins. The bin weight and level for the
selected bin will be displayed for twenty seconds. After this delay, BinTrac will return to
the auto sequence mode described below.
Auto Sequence Mode
Five minutes after last keystroke unit begins auto sequence mode, starting from the
last displayed bin. Bin level is displayed for the identified bin (A-D). BinTrac auto
sequences to next enabled bin every 5 seconds, displaying the weight and associated level.
Display Fill Events
This procedure allows you to view the last four recorded fill events for each enabled bin.
1. Press the BIN key to select the desired bin.
2. Press the UPPER
key until
is displayed.
3. Press Bin to view the last recorded fill event.
4. Press LOWER key to view other prior recorded fill events.
5. Press BIN to return to Auto Sequence mode or unit will start auto sequencing after 5 minutes of no activity (no
Display 24-Hour Usage
This procedure allows you to view the last four 24-hour usage amounts.
(Displays combined usage for all selected bins up to the last four days. Recorded usage amounts are from Midnight to
1. Press the BIN key to select the desired bin.
2. Press the UPPER
key until
is displayed.
3. Press Bin to view the last recorded 24-hour usage amount.
4. Press LOWER key to view other prior recorded usage amounts.
5. Press BIN to return to Auto Sequence mode or unit will start auto sequencing after 5 minutes of no activity (no
key strokes).
Totalizing Multiple Bins
When using more than one Smart Summing Box for a single bin, you must totalize the Smart Summing Boxes so they
can be displayed on a single indicator. When this feature is enabled, the total weight will be displayed under BIN A. See
Totalizing Multiple Bins on
page 7
for further information.
1. Enter Internal Mode.
2. With INTR displayed on the screen, enable BIN C.
3. Exit Internal Mode