5. Note the maximum permissible tilt angle
on the ball joint:
Rod end 15: up to 4.5°
Rod end 17: up to 5.5 °
6. Check the tilt angle setting in the following operating states:
Restraint system open
Restraint system closed
Restraint system in mid-way position
7. Fasten the locking unit to the restraint system via the ball joint (1) using pins (2).
8. Make adjustments to the angle to match the seat’s design on the base-side rod end only!
Do not pivot the rod end by more than 180° compared with the as-delivered position.
The angle has not been changed to adjust the length, because that is not permitted.
For specied torques and anti-twist protection (such as threadlocker) refer to the technical
The hydraulic locking unit must not be used as a mechanical end stop for the bar structure.
Otherwise, suitable precautions are required (e.g. rubber buffers/stops in the seat kinematics).
9. Make sure that unintentional emergency overriding is always prevented if you install additional
release mechanisms.
HAWE Hydraulik SE
B 6052-21 -
-2021 - 1.7