Chapter 5 – Setting Scale Parameters
Hardy Process Solutions HI 6200 Weigh Processor User Guide
5.3.2 C2
1. Navigate to the C2 menu.
2. Make sure the number of load cells in the Num Devices menu corresponds to the actual
number of C2 devices installed. If the number varies, check that each load cell/point
cable connection is fastened securely and that each load cell/point cable is not broken.
Only Hardy Process Solutions load sensors are capable of C2 (or eCal) calibration.
3. In the
Ref Weight
text field, enter the reference weight for your application. An empty
scale will use a 0.00 reference weight setting.
4. Enter the
Gravity Correction Factor
(see the table above), and then enter the
Correction Factor number you selected from the table in the
Gravity Correction
field that
best corresponds to your location.
5. Click the
Do C2 Calibration
button. Wait for the results to appear.
6. If the calibration succeeds,
Cal completed OK
appears and the gross weight will read
your reference value. If the Calibration fails, make sure C2 load cells are being used and
are connected properly. If the system uses one or more non-C2 load cells, calibrate using
a traditional calibration (Hard Cal) process. For more information, see Chapter 6 for
troubleshooting suggestions.
7. Click the
button in your web browser or use the left arrow key on the front panel
display to return to the main Calibration menus.
5.3.3 Hard Calibration
Hard calibration is the calibration method that uses test weights. We recommend that the
span total 80 to 100% of the scale live load capacity and the weights be distributed uniformly
on/in the scale. Put a load (weight) on the scale or vessel. For a full load test, you can put
80% to 100% of the expected weight you will see in your process on the scale or vessel.
1. Navigate to the Traditional Calibration menu.
2. Make sure the weight reading changes on the display changes in the proper direction.
For example, if the display reads 100 pounds when a 20-pound load is placed on the
vessel or scale, the display should read 120 or other value over 100.
– If the display reads 80 pounds after a 20-pound load is placed on the vessel or scale,
the reading is going in the wrong direction and indicates some problem with the
system. See Chapter 6 for corrective action.
– If the display is reading improperly or shows no change, there is something wrong
with the configuration wiring or the load cell.
– If the display changes in the proper direction, remove the weight, and then calibrate
the HI 6200.