P/N 53063-30, Manual revision: B
Describing the Cell Saver 5+ System Components
Centrifuge bowl
The key component of the disposable set is the centrifuge bowl, where the
RBCs are separated, washed, and packed. Both models of centrifuge bowls,
the Latham bowl and the 70mL Bowl, consist of two subassemblies: an inner
assembly which remains stationary and an outer assembly which rotates.
The outer assembly rotates with the centrifugation chamber where the blood
is processed. The stationary inner assembly contains the inlet and outlet
Figure 2-13, The Latham bowl and subassemblies
Warning: It is important to verify that the outlet port and effluent tubing
are free of any restrictions to flow, prior to initiating flow in the bowl. If
the outlet port is inadvertently clamped off, the blood being processed may
be compromised by friction or heat, rendering it inappropriate for reinfu-
will provide further information about this type of situ-
1. Inlet
2. Outlet
3. Outer subassembly
- Rotates -
4. Inner subassembly
- Remains station-
ary -