❏ ❏
5. Locate the four 3/32"(2.4 mm) x 1"(25 mm) x 2"(51 mm)
plywood doublers
for mounting the wheel pants and the four
3/32"(2.4 mm) x 1"(25 mm) x 1"(25 mm)
plywood wheel pant
bearing blocks.
Make two sets as shown in the above
photograph by gluing them together using 6-minute epoxy.
Position the large doubler centered over the hole you drilled
previously in the wheel pant. When satisfied with the
location, mark its position and rough up the fiberglass with
80 grit sand paper. Then glue it into place using 30-minute
epoxy. When the epoxy has cured, drill another 5/32"(4 mm)
hole through the plywood doubler using the hole in the
wheel pant as a guide.
❏ ❏
6. Use a rotary tool or a drill to carefully create a
7/16"(11.1mm) clearance hole in the fiberglass wheel pant
and plywood doubler as shown in the above photo for the
axle unit base to fit into. Do not make this hole deeper than
9/64" (3.6 mm).
❏ ❏
7. Mark the location of the center of the plywood wheel
pant bearing block you prepared earlier as shown in the
photograph and drill a 5/32" (4mm) hole at this location.
Slip the 5/32" x 2"
through the wheel pant and place
the bearing block over the axle shaft. Hold the block in place
against the outboard side of the wheel pant so that the
wheel pant is level and straight. Mark the location of the
block on the inside of the wheel pant. Rough up the
fiberglass with 80-grit sandpaper and glue the block into
place with epoxy.
❏ ❏
8. Install the axles onto the landing gear, making sure
stop nuts
are securely tightened.
❏ ❏
9. Temporarily place the wheels into the wheel pants
and slip them onto the axle shaft. As shown in the above
photograph, set the model on a flat surface and position the
aft end of the wheel pants 1" (25mm) above the surface.
Mark the locations, on the wheel pant, of the two holes
drilled in the landing gear while the aft end of the pants are
still elevated 1" (25mm) off your flat surface.
Remove the wheel pant from the landing gear and drill 1/8"
(3mm) holes at the marked locations. Epoxy two 4-40 blind
nuts into these holes inside the wheel pant but be careful
not to get the glue into the threads.