❏ ❏
10. Insert the axle shaft through the wheel pant and
plywood doubler while at the same time slipping one 5/32"
wheel collar with a 6/32" setscrew installed onto the shaft.
❏ ❏
11. Next fit one of the supplied wheels onto each shaft
followed by another 5/32" wheel collar with a 6/32" setscrew
installed. Center the wheels within the wheel pants and
temporarily tighten the 6/32" setscrews in the wheel collars
to hold them in place.
❏ ❏
12. Install the 4/40 x 5/8" (15.9 mm) Phillips Head
Machine Screws through the holes in the landing gear and
into the blind nuts installed inside the wheel pant.
❏ ❏
13. The photograph above shows the assembly of the
wheels and pants. Mark the axle for location of the wheel
collars. Remove everything from the axle and grind flat
spots on the axle for securing the wheel collars. After doing
this, reassemble the wheels and pants with the wheel
collars, making sure they are tightened properly with
Threadlocker applied. Align the wheel pants to their proper
position and insert the two 4-40 x 5/8" (15.9 mm) Phillips
Head Machine Screws through the holes in the landing gear
and into the blind nuts in each wheel pant securing them to
the landing gear.
14. Repeat this process for the remaining wheel and pant.
: The following instructions are for the installation of a
glow engine. If you are using a gas engine go to page 24.
1. Notice the marks on the firewall. Extend the
lines with a pen to see them more clearly as
shown in the photo above.
Disregard any other marked
lines on the firewall
Mount the Engine