2. Place the drive washer and the propeller nut onto the
drive shaft. Tighten the nut securely with a box-end wrench
of the correct size to fit your engine. Next install the lock nut,
again with a box-end wrench.
3. Place the spinner cone over the blades of the propeller
and secure it with the supplied bolt.
1. The radio system installation is very simple; we have
already installed all the servos on the exterior of the aircraft
so there is very little to be placed inside the fuselage. To
power the system and the maximum of eight servos we
used a
NR4RB 4.8V 1000mAh battery pack
in all our test models. In order to keep the
weight as far forward as possible, the battery was mounted
just behind the most forward former.
Included with the model is a ply tray that can be installed
behind the fuel tank to hold the battery pack and receiver if
you wish to use that method.
2. To mount the receiver we used a Great Planes
Receiver Guard Protective Case (GPMM1010) and
mounted it to the bottom of the cockpit floor. There is a tube
installed for the receiver antenna that is located at the
bottom of the cockpit floor as shown in the above
photograph. The Receiver Guard should be mounted first,
then servo leads attached to the receiver. Then simply
insert the receiver antenna into the tube.
3. A
Great Planes Switch & Charge Mounting Set
(GPMM1000) was used to mount the switch and charge
jack into the fuselage as one unit.
Install Radio Gear