3. Cut twenty-one 3/4" (19mm) x 1" (25mm)
CA hinge strip
. Snip off the corners as shown so they
go in easier. Insert three of the hinges into the aileron hinge
slots of each wing half. The rest of the hinges are for the
elevators and rudder.
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
4. Test fit the aileron to the wing with the hinges.
If the hinges don’t remain centered, stick a pin through the
middle of the hinge to hold it in position.
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
5. Remove any pins you may have inserted into
the hinges. Adjust the aileron so there is a small gap
between the LE of the aileron and the wing. The gap should
be just small enough to see light through or to slip a piece
of paper through.
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
6. Apply six drops of
thin CA
to the top and bottom
of each hinge. Do not use CA accelerator. After the CA has fully
hardened, test the hinges by pulling on the aileron.
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
7. Cut the covering 1/8" (3mm) inside the opening
in this wing half for the
aileron servo
. Use a trim iron to seal
the covering to the edges of the opening.
❏ ❏
8. Cut the covering away from the hole in the top of the
bottom wing halves and feed the string, which is taped to
the root rib, through the hole in top of the wing. Re-tape it
securely near the hole. This step is different for the two top
wing halves. There is one hole in the center of the top wing
center section. Remove the covering from this hole also.
❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
9. Connect a 12" (305mm) servo extension wire
(HCAM2711) to an aileron servo lead and secure it with