· 31
RM510 to 610 Motors
Assemble the spacing washer (13) on to the crankshaft outer section locating the dowel pin (23).
Assemble bearing (48) and the king rod (12). Assemble all four queen rods (part no. 30) into the
king rod (12) locating with pivot pins (no.29). Fit final location washer (13) to close the assembly.
Ensure that the drive peg (23) is fitted on to the inner balance weight (20 A / B). Closed together
and finally to’ldcale correctly by passing a 12 mm dia. bar between the holes marked X and Y on
the drawings. Once this assembly is located the locking dowel (21) nd its nut can be assembled, re-
move the 12 mm bar and ensure that the mechanism is free. Locate assembly into open engine case.
Ensure each rod projects into its correct cylinder. Rotate the unit so that the main king rod comes to
top dead centre, fit the piston and gudgeon pin, ensure gudgeon pin circlip is correctly located. Fit
gasket (7) to cylinder Fit pistons into cylinder bore using a piston ring clamp. Bolt cylinder (8) on to
engine case (27). Rotate the crank to the next top dead centre position and repeat the procedure.
Turn crank 360 degrees to check correct functioning .Fit gasket (28) and the output flange (24 A /
B). Turn the 180 degrees to allow valve
to be fitted. Lubricate valve (2) and Inside Bore of Housing (3). Rebuild the valve assembly in the
reverse order. Check it rotates freely. Fit valve assembly on to the motor ensuring the different size
drive dowels (61) and (62) are located in the crankshaft. The remaining build procedure is the
reverse to initially dismantling
Crank assembly instructions for RM 210 and RM 310 motors
Fit the 3 queen rods (30) on to piston assembly (9) and assemble into the cylinder pot 98) complete
with gasket (7). Fit piston assembly (9) on to the king rod (10) ensuring gudgeon pin clips are cor-
rectly positioned. (RM 310 motor). Assemble a ring clamp (dimensions shown on sketch) on to the
king rod piston. Fit the crank spacer (13) to the crankshaft (20 A / B). Rotate the crankshaft until the
crank pin is in the vertical position (nearest the breather plug 46). Feed king rod (12) complete with
its piston assembly through the aperture marked ‘Z’ on drawing.
Twist and lift the rod over the end of the crank pin. Fit crank pin bearing or bearings. Feed the cylin-
der pot (8)
complete with its gasket (7) on to the piston. The ring clamp is ejected inwards from the piston. Work
clamp off sideways from the king rod. Bolt the cylinder pot into position and feed the remaining
cylinders completely assembled through the various holes and locate the inner end of the connecting
rods with the king rod fixing with pin (29). Rotate the motor 360 degrees to ensure correct fitting. Fit
spacing washer (30 /34) and refer to paragraph 10 for spacing the motor unit.
Assembly of valve housing
This is the reverse procedure to dismantling. Smear oil to external surface of valve (2) and to the
bore of valve housing (3).