Made in Germany
© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
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NFA1000_4.6_e.doc as of July 2010
period of “full speed” data logging to up to two weeks you can use an external 12
Volt battery (e.g. sealed gel batteries). This requires an 8 GB SD card. With a 32 GB
SD card and an external power supply (AC adaptor) you can continuously log at “full
speed” for over two months (in that case, however, you should take “a little time” to
download the data on your computer).
6.3.1 Initiating Long Term Logging of the Meter
For a long term recording of several hours or days you set the “power” switch to
“log”. In this mode the LEDs and the sound are turned off to extend the battery life.
The recording will start automatically after some seconds.
The instrument records all data for which it has been set to. The fourth channel will
record the potential-free E-field, if the field setting is for M3D and the AC/DC socket
is not connected. If e.g. a HF analyzer is connected, then its output will be recorded
automatically. If the settings are changed during the logging, the instrument contin-
ues with the new settings, however starting a new log file. (This should thus be
avoided). It is possible to prevent such change of settings by “Locking” the instru-
ment, see below.
6.3.2 „Locking“ of the Instrument
„Locking“ ensures that the instrument executes exclusively the tasks defined by the
initial settings or selected measurement routines, irrespective of whether any button
or switch (including the “Off” switch) be actuated or changed. „Locking“ of the in-
strument is meant for the time the NFA is left at the customer’s place to do long
term recordings. It prevents failures or interruptions of long term loggings by inad-
vertent or curious contacts with the instrument.
„open“ >
For locking remove the SD card from the instrument and set
its micro switch to „lock“ or „write protect“. Reinsert it.
Don’t worry: The data will still be recorded! “
does not
really lock, but is only an information transferred to the firmware.
The NFA uses the setting “lock” as an information to only log with the programmed
routines or the switch settings at the time of on-site logging and to ignore all other
changes done after that. To undo the locking just reset the micro switch to “open”.
Please note: As opposed to the NFA the software NFAsoft recognises „locked“ as
“Write protect”. To change the configuration file, the micro switch must be “open”.
6.3.3 Long Term Logging Preprogrammend on the PC
All settings for long term recordings can also be effected on the PC and transferred
to the NFA via the SD memory card or (better for time synchronisation) by USB ca-
ble. On the PC one can also define a start time and an end time and lock the instru-
ment to make sure that changing the settings of switches or touching buttons will
not spoil a long-term recording. This is of special importance, for instance, when
forwarding the instrument to the customer. (NFAsoft is still in a Beta-state)