Made in Germany
© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
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NFA1000_4.6_e.doc as of July 2010
6 How to Measure and Data-Log
6.1 Measurement
Of course you can use the instrument conventionally, that is switch on, set measur-
ing mode and read display.
Furthermore, the device is capable of logging all settings and the measurement val-
ues of all four channels (i.e. the three field axis values plus one further variable) onto
the SD-card. This function can be activated by temporarily switching the “Power“
switch to “Log.” until the display shows “L999” (in reality, instead of “999” it will
show the number of the log file). When switching the power switch back to “On“, the
status LED will switch to green, thus indicating that logging has started (without in-
terruption when switching to and fro “Log”). Please note: When changing a switch
which causes a change of unit (for instance from E to M), the recording will be inter-
rupted and a new file commenced. If logging of the new unit is required, repeat the
above procedure.
A setting “keep logging” will be configurable by NFAsoft.
These recordings can be annotated by real-time audio recordings which will be as-
signed to the respective measurement for replay.
6.2 Guided Measurements for a Fast Analysis
The purpose of “guided measurements” is a most efficient accomplishment and
evaluation of analyses of, for instance, sleeping areas or work places.
6.2.1 „Nine Point Measurement“ as per VDB
For alternating electric fields the guidelines issued by the VDB ask for a detailed
analysis of bed areas, specifying nine points to be measured as below.
Drawing from: VDB-Richtlinien, Band 1,
Physikalische Untersuchungen, II A 1
Sample of the automatic visualisation of a guided nine
point measurement done with the software NFAsoft
(Firmware update for the NFA to follow, colours preliminary)