Made in Germany
NFA1000_4.6_e.doc as of July 2010
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© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
5.5 Evaluation of Signal
= true RMS
tRMS = “true Root Mean Square”. The values displayed and
recorded can be compared directly to classifications recom-
mended by building biologists.
= retain highest true RMS
Retains the highest tRMS found in a measurement, which is
useful when working at places, which are difficult to access, or to get a quick over-
view of the total exposure. “hold” applies only to the value displayed, while the
tRMS values stored are, of course, those effective during measurement. Some other
manufacturers call this feature “peak hold”, which may lead to confusion with the
measurement of real peaks of the field in question (see below).
This setting will be considerably upgraded by one of the next revisions of the firm-
ware. The signal evaluation retained is the one corresponding precisely to the signal
from which the switch was set to “hold”!
= Peak value
Real peak value measurement: With this setting the meter picks the highest culmi-
nating point of the wave.
This feature is incorporated for the first time in a broad band instrument, which is
sufficiently sensitive for the objectives of building biology. In the high frequency
evaluation peak value is long established to be THE essential parameter, and it can
indeed produce information of equal relevance in the low frequency. Critical signal
shapes such as sinusoidal waves extremely distorted by electronic dimmers will
automatically be judged more critical the more distorted the signal is (i.e. directly
proportional to the degree of distortion). It also supplies important information for
the evaluation of “Dirty Power” (E-field > 2 kHz).
5.6 SD Memory Card
This is the slot for the SD card. To prevent it from being
ejected inadvertently slide it in beyond the external surface of
the casing until it snaps in (use fingernail or pencil, if neces-
sary). To extract it press again to undo the snap mechanism.
The high-speed SD card (4 GB, SDHC) supplied with the in-
strument contains the configuration file for the instrument (for