Made in Germany
NFA1000_4.6_e.doc as of July 2010
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© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
Display of orthogenal components
In either one of the field settings their isotropic intensity is on display. To see their
components, switch to “XYZ”. By pushing the button “Mode >” one can select one
after the other. The LED to the right of the display indicates which one is on the dis-
play. With one of the next firmware updates an endless cycle will be available for
5.3 Sockets for Input and Grounding
= Combined AC/DC-Input
AC: 2000 digits correspond to „1V
DC: +/- 0.1 to 1500 mV, i.e. with an HF59B connected in the
rough measuring range (scaled to 2V DC), the device plots
measurement values from 1µW/m² to 15,000 µW/m²; the
reading in mV times 10 equals µW/m².
For presentation of
logged data the software NFAsoft provides an easy-to-handle
The NFA can also indicate this signal in V/m, and can thus be
used as external display unit for the V/m indication of HF sig-
nals. Alternatively, it is possible to connect an optionally
available magnetostatic and electrostatic sensor.
For automatic display and recording of these external Sensors set the „Mode“-
switch to „Auto“.
= Input socket for hand electrode
Input for the connection of a hand electrode suitable for the measurement of body
voltage in mV. 4 mm banana jack. For displaying and recording set the “Mode”-
switch to "
This is the only input which cannot be recognized automatically (being single-pole).
Note: The information produced by the frequency decomposition of a demodulated pulsed HF sig-
nal produces, of course, no really useful data.
For other measuring ranges just compare the position of the comma and convert accordingly. Read-
ings below 0.1µW/m² cannot be displayed or recorded because of noise-issues.