Made in Germany
NFA1000_4.6_e.doc as of July 2010
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© Gigahertz Solutions GmbH
There are
two display-modes for the frequency-LEDs
”: (= preset)
The red LED shows the strongest, and the yellow LED the second strongest fre-
quency. The green LEDs signalise the total frequency range in the current set-
ting. What if only one LED is lit when switching on? Re-set the Mode switch to
Full Information/Volatile
”: This makes the LEDs rather unsteady/volatile. Their
meaning is less self-explanatory, but supplies more information. (To be config-
ured with NFAsoft)
The proportion of the respective frequency band in relation to the total signal is
being displayed. These proportions are shown as follows
= SMALL (< 10%)
= AVERAGE (< 50%)
= DOMINANT (> 50%)
At the time of shipment the „Level“ LED will indicate a comparison to the SBM
„Recommendation for Sleeping Areas“ valid at that time:
< smallest display resolution - LED OFF
concern -
Extreme concern
- blinking RED
With NFAsoft, this classification can be modified, and standardised to match other
norms. The status-LED also indicates special operating conditions.
4.3 Acoustic Signal
The acoustic signal is always linked to the respective measured value and has a
„Geiger Counter” characteristic, i. e. with increasing signal intensity the ratteling
sound becomes faster. With the help of NFAsoft, the acoustic signal can be altered:
You may alter the volume itself, and, if need be, the threshold values for the initiation
or the threshold-bound volume increase. Please note: For extraordinarily precise
measurement requirements turn the acoustic signal volume down or even switch it
off completely.
In order to allow for a less fluctuations in this mode an internal high pass filter is switched on. With
NFAsoft it can be configurated to 16.6 and 50 Hz. Experience has shown that the best combination for
a freehand measurement is a filter set to 16.6 Hz for magnetic fields and to 50 Hz for electric fields.
Electric fields of the 16.6 Hz traction power frequency (in some european countries) are quite rare
indoors so they are skipped in this mode. They can, if need be, be measured in the "band" mode.
For reasons of user ergonomics frequencies below the nominal display resolution (that is < 0,1 V/m or
< 1 nT) are not indicated by an LED-signal but will still be recorded down to the noise level. Hysteresis:
9/12% resp. 45/50%.