Click the List… button to open the Select USB Vendor and Product Numbers dialog
box. Connected Devices should be selected and the USB Printing Support Vendor I.D.
(VID) and Product I.D. (PID) should display in the lower window.
Note: The following illustration is an example; your VID and PID numbers may be different.
Make sure the USB Printing Support device is selected and click OK to return to the
Properties for Gerber EDGE dialog box. The Vendor I.D. and Product I.D. numbers
should be visible in the USB Information fields.
Click Preference to save the settings.
Click OK to return to GQ Manager. The GERBER EDGE should be ready to print via
the USB-to-Parallel cable.
Note: GSP has had success with several USB-to-Parallel cables that are readily available in the
market. Your results may vary. Gerber does not guarantee success with all cables.