GLX-RSS-2-300 WL User Manual
GLX-RSS-2-300 WL Non-Contact Flow Meter
Level sensor staff gauge
- Setting the sensor height relative to the measurement is done using
staff gauge. The sensor will output relative measurement of the actual water level based on its
height above the riverbed.
Power management
- Switching between continuous scanning mode, standby mode and sleep
mode. Standby and sleep modes are set when the SDI-12 interface is planned to be used. In
continuous scanning mode, the device continuously performs measurements which are transmitted
over the RS-232 interface and made available over Modbus and SDI-12 interfaces. In standby and
sleep modes, the device remains in sleep mode until SDI-12 Measure (aM!) command is received.
While in sleep mode, the device will not be able to connect to Modbus or RS-232 interfaces. In
order to reconfigure a device which is set to operate in SDI-12 sleep mode, it’s necessary to power-
cycle the device and then use the Geolux Instrument Configurator PC application to connect to the
device within 20 seconds after power-up. If there is no attempt to connect to the device over RS-
232 interface within 20 seconds, the device will automatically go back to sleep mode. The device
consumes only 0.08W while in standby mode, and 0.04 W while in sleep mode.
Device in sleep mode
- This command puts device in sleep mode, in order to reconfigure a device
which is in sleep mode, it’s necessary to send any command.
Reset device settings to default factory settings
- This command resets all settings on the
device (Interface, Processing, Measurement and Profile Settings) to default factory settings.
Retrieve current device status
(Continuous scanning )
(Standby mode)
(Sleep mode)
Requests the current device status. Here is an example status output:
# firmware:6.4.1
# serial:123456
# sensor_type:WL
# direction:both
# baud_rate:9600
# dead_time:10
# can_id:1
# angle:45
# filter_type:2
# filter_len:50
# pga_gain:200
# proto:nmea
# 485_proto:modbus_rtu
# 485_modbus_type:2
# units:mms