NX-4V2 Control
Segment 3:
1 = On if Box Tamper report enabled.
2 = On if AC Fail reporting enabled.
3 = On if Low Battery reporting enabled.
4 = On if Aux. Power Overcurrent report enabled.
5 = On if Siren Supervision report enabled.
6 = On if Telephone Line Cut report enabled.
7 = Reserved.
8 = On if Expander Trouble reporting enabled.
Segment 4:
1 = On if Fail To Communicate report enabled.
2 = On if Log Full report enabled.
3 = On if Autotest report enabled.
4 = On if Start/End programming report enabled.
5 = On if End Download report enabled.
6 = On if Sensor Low Battery report enabled.
7 = On if Sensor Missing report enabled.
8 = On if First to Open / Last to Close.
Segment 5:
1 = On enable Lost Clock service light.
2 = On enables Zone Doubling (requires NX-200 Zone Doubling Kit).
3 = On disables On-Board 4 zones.
4 = On will allow two trips on same cross-zone to activate an alarm.
5 = On will
allow zones that are force armed to report bypass.
6 = Reserved.
7 = Use internal crystal for clock.
8 = Disable Temporal Siren on Fire.
: Do NOT disable for UL listed systems.
Segment 6:
1 = Reserved.
2 = Reserved.
3 = Enable for Zone Activity in Hours (not Days)
4 = Enable Daylight Savings Time (DST)
5 = Reserved
6 = On to disable Clean Me report (At default, bit is OFF = enabled)
7 = Disable Start/End Test report (At default, bit is OFF = enabled)
8 = Reserved.
Segment 7:
COUNT 1 ............ numerical
Location 38 contains the number of trips during an arming cycle that the NX-4V2 will allow before bypassing a zone. The count
determination is described in the Glossary.
Factory default is 1.
KEYPAD SOUNDER CONTROL 1 ............ feature
Segment 1:
1 = On if keypad sounds for
Telephone Line Cut
when the system is armed .
2 = On if keypad sounds for
Telephone Line Cut
when disarmed.
3 = On if keypad sounds upon AC Power Failure.
4 = On if keypad sounds when a Low Battery is detected.
5 = On if keypad sounds during Cross Zone trip time.
6 = On if keypad sounds for zone and box tampers.
7 = Reserved.
8 = On if keypad sounds for expander trouble (required for UL installations).