Appendix D: Applications
Vigilant VS1 and VS2 Technical Reference Manual
Follow Verification: Yes
Follow Pre Alarm: No
If alarm verification is required, set Device Type for Smoke
Verified, set Verification and Alt Verification as required, set
Follow Verification for No, and set Follow Pre Alarm for Yes.
3. Configure the CRR module as follows:
Device Type: Relay Silence
Message Line 1: ZONE_1
Message Line 2: SOUNDERS
4. Configure the RM1 module as follows:
Device type: Monitor
Message Line 1: ZONE_1
Message Line 2: 24VDC_RISER
5. Configure Zone 01 as follows:
Inputs: All detectors in Zone 1
Message Line 1: Zone 1
Message Line 2: As required
Type: Alarm
Coder: 0-0-0-0
6. Configure
Correlation 01 as follows:
Inputs: Zone 1
Outputs: The CRR module labeled ZONE_1 SOUNDERS
System alarm signaling application
In system alarm signaling applications, all audible detector bases
are activated using a CRR module when any alarm signal-initiating
device is activated. Signal synchronization is required because
alarm signals are not limited to the same notification zone.
The audible detector bases, once activated, continue to sound an
alarm signal until:
• Smoke is cleared from the active detectors and the control
panel is reset
• Signal Silence is pressed
• The control panel’s Auto Signal Silence timer expires, if
programmed. This can be from 5 to 30 minutes.