CyScan Positioning System • Installation and Maintenance Guide r1.1
Mounting the System Components
The sensor can be mounted on the vessel using four bolts. The bolts secure the sensor
unit through the holes in the base.
Warning: The CyScan Sensor weighs approximately 30kg. Two people, using the
integral handles on either side, should perform all lifting and carrying of the
To mount the CyScan Sensor:
1 With the assistance of another person,
use the two lifting handles to lift the
CyScan Sensor onto the required
mounting plate.
2 Orient the CyScan Sensor so that its
four connectors face the Stern of the
3 Carefully lower the CyScan Sensor onto
the mounting position so that its four
mounting holes lineup with those of the
pre-drilled mounting plate.
Refer to
Appendix 2 for mounting details.
4 Insert four M8 x 25 stainless steel bolts
and tighten them evenly using a 13mm
socket and ratchet.
Refer to Appendix 2 for
CyScan Sensor mounting
template details.
5 Remove each of the four locking pins
from the sensor. Ensuring that the white
bellows are not damaged, rotate the
larger barrel of each locking pin clockwise
until it becomes short enough to remove.
Keep the locking pins with the flight case
for future shipping. Avoid using tools for
this job to minimise the chance of inad-
vertently tightening the locking pins and
damaging the CyScan Sensor.
Ensure that the CyScan Sensor has a clear view in the intended
direction of the mooring point targets. Also, there should be no object within
300mm of the rotating head in any direction as the head requires sufficient space
to tilt in response to pitch and roll vessel movements.
When mounting two CyScan sensors on the same vessel
In situations where two separate CyScan sensors are to be used on the same vessel, the
following criteria should be met:
• The two CyScan sensors must be mounted at least 20m apart.
• An opaque screen should be mounted between the two sensors to avoid crossover
of laser beams.
• The blanking zones of both units should be set so that the alternate sensor is
excluded from the zone of operation.