CyScan Positioning System • Installation and Maintenance Guide r1.1
Stage 2 - The Rotor
To remove the Rotor:
1 Using a flat blade screwdriver, loosen the two
screws on top of the rotor in an even manner
until they are both loose. Fully undo the two
screws and retract them from the rotor.
IMPORTANT: Both screws have special
waterproof ‘bonded seal’ washers. Be
sure to keep the washers safe with the
screws. Standard washers must not be
used in replacement, as a watertight seal
will not be achieved.
2 Lift the rotor vertically upwards away from the
sensor gearbox.
To fit the Rotor:
1 Ensure the ‘O’ ring is present on the top of the gearbox shaft. Smear silicone
grease lightly over the ‘O’ ring but ensure none gets on the contacts of the ex-
posed connector.
2 Orient the rotor above the sensor with its main connector facing down to the
sensor and the face with the large
connector pointing in the same
direction as the small key screw
on the shaft. This ensures that the
keyway in the rotor connector
aligns with the key screw of the
3 Place the rotor onto the shaft and
slide it down into position. It may
be necessary to rock the rotor
slightly to get it to fully mate with
the shaft.
4 Insert the two long M5 x 100
screws each with a specialist
waterproof sealing washer intact.
Smear silicone grease onto the
sealing washers for better water
protection. These bonded seal washers are essential to form a watertight seal -
normal washers must not be used in replacement
IMPORTANT: It is essential that the two screws in the next step are tight-
ened evenly.
5 Using a flat blade screwdriver, tighten the two screws alternately to take up the
slack. Now tighten the two screws alternately in decreasing steps of rotation, i.e.
one turn each, then three quarters each, then half each, etc. Continue in small
increments of rotation until both are brought to even tightness. Finally, apply a
coating of silicone grease around the screw heads and sealing washers to minimise
the chance of water ingress at this point.
6 Ensure that the rotor can rotate freely without touching any part of the sensor