CyScan Positioning System • Installation and Maintenance Guide r1.1
Alarm Codes
For the purpose of an audit trail, events of any nature are reported in the Console appli-
cation in the form of 4 different alarm types. These alarms only apply to the embedded
navigator and the interaction between the sensor unit and the Console user-interface.
Fatal alarms - codes 2xxx
Signifies a fatal event such as malfunctioning software; the system might be able to
recover from this but a power cycle is always recommended (both sensor unit and con-
sole laptop)
Errors - codes 3xxx
Signifies an unexpected event such as a missing parameter file or a lack of response from
a particular sub-system; these errors normally clear themselves after a while. If these
errors occur repeatedly in quick succession especially after restarting the system, then a
serious hardware problem might have occurred.
Warnings - codes 4xxx
Signifies a possible error source; it will be followed by a suitable error message if the
system deteriorates, otherwise this will clear itself in due course. In general most warn-
ings if they are infrequent can be ignored.
Information - codes 5xxx
Signifies purely an event, user initiated or automatic, for audit purposes.
In addition a special category of leveller alarms in the code range 6xxx can occur in any of
the four classifications above. These will signify events that are purely associated with the
sensor rotor and leveller hardware and can provide clues about possible hardware faults.