Selecting the Grinding Amount
You can adapt the grinding amount for your espresso to your likings. For this 2
methods are possible.
The setting “Manual” is reserved for the manual control of the grin-
der. For using the automatic control feature, only use one of the other settings.
• You may select
one of 3 different levels
(„Minimum“, “Standard”, “Maximum”).
The grinder stops automatically, when the programmed time elapsed.
• You can
control the grinder manually
. Using this method, you need to stop the
grinder manually (see below: ‘Controlling the Grinder Manually’). You cannot
save the grinding amount, given off with this method.
The grinding amount is determined via the time the grinder is operating. When
there ar not enough beans in the bean hopper or some beans become wedged
together in the grinder intake, a smaller amount will be given off. For programming
the grinder you should ensure that the bean hopper is filled sufficiently. The noise
of operation indicates, whether the grinder is operating correctly.
For each drink, individual defaults are programmed. Your changes will only affect
the currently selected drink. Therefore you can select different settings for each drink.
In general, your new setting will be active until shut off.
You can set up your changes as new default (“Standard”) or save them as a self-
defined drink (“MyProfile”; see: ‘Saving Your Own Settings’). Otherwise your set-
ting will get lost, when the appliance is switched off.
Changing the Amount of Coffee Powder
1. Switch to the page of a drink that requires ground coffee (see: ‘Brewing Coffee
/ Selecting a Coffee Drink’). On the drink page, the grinder control area hol-
ding the bean icon is shown.
2. Above the bean icon, touch the gear icon (“Grinding amount”).
3. On the following setting page, select the desired amount level via the buttons
„+“ or „–“. Thereafter, return to the drink page via the arrow in the navigation
4. If required, save your new setting via touching the plus sign on the navigation
bar (see: ‘Saving Your Own Settings’).
Avoid saving the setting “Manual” as default, because the amount given off until
automatic shut off is too large for the espresso filters. Only use this setting for manu-
ally controlling the grinder (see: ‘Controlling the Grinder Manually’).
Controlling the Grinder Manually
An instruction for using the manual control of the grinder is given via the machine.
Select the command “Guide and Setting / Guide and Info / Tips / Manual grin-
ding”. We recommend to use this page for getting an overview on the procedure.
The grinding amount given off actually via this feature cannot be saved.
As with any other setting on the drink pages, the machine stops
automatically after delivering the amount that has been defined for this setting.
However, the amount of coffee powder that will get ground until automatic stop is
too large for an extraction. Only use the setting “Manual” for manual controlling
the grinder or for emptying the bean hopper before cleaning.
Selecting the manual grinding:
Select the drink page of your desired drink with
coffee. On the grinder control area above the bean icon touch the gear icon
(“Grinding amount”). On the following setting page, select “Manual” via the „+“
button. Then, use the arrow in the navigation bar for getting back to the drink
Preparing the grinding cycle:
Prepare the filter holder and push it into the grin-
der adapter. Alternatively, place a vessel below the grinder outlet.
Controlling the grinder:
Touch the bean icon for starting the grinder and wait,
until the desired amount has been given off. Then touch the “Stop”.
After performing manual grinding,
do not forget to set the grin-
ding amount back to the previous value
(see: ‘Selecting the Grinding Amount’).
For drinks with coffee hot water is given off via the group head. For making tea or
frothing and heating milk the steam wand is used. You can set up different values
for these functions:
The automatically dispersed volume
(“Size”) and
milk texture
(“Froth amount”)
can be changed separately for each drink (see: ‘Changing the Volume’). Your
changes will be effective until shut-off, unless you save your settings (see: ‘Saving
Your Settings Permanently’).