Chapter 3 Rack Installation
3.3 Installing Drive Enclosure
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS DX60 S2 Disk storage system User’s Guide -Installation-
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED
Attach the rack rails (brackets) to the rack.
The M5 screw positions for the rack rails are determined relative to the drive enclosure
base line.
Insert the M5 screws in the 1st and 3rd holes on the front and rear rack pillars above
the base lines to fasten the rack rails.
Tighten the M4 screws of the rack rails that were slightly unscrewed in
Install the drive enclosure in the rack.
If the rack pillars have square (approx. 9mm) holes, screw
holders will need to be used when attaching the rack rails
Make sure to attach the rack rails and rack pillars so that they
fit exactly together without any space between them.
When installing or removing the drive enclosure to or from the
rack, make sure to have the right and left sides and the bottom
of the drive enclosure by two or more people. Failure to do so
may cause injury.
M5 screws
Screw holders
Bracket L
Screw holders
M5 screws
M5 screws
M5 screws
Screw holders
Bracket R
(Rear rack pillars)
(Front rack pillars)
Screw holders
Drive enclosure
1st position
(M5 screws)
3rd position
(M5 screws)
1st position
(M5 screws)
3rd position
(M5 screws)
Rack rails
Base line of
drive enclosure