7.3.20 Global Variables
(To be updated...)
7.3.21 Logical Switches
The EdgeTX logic switch is a kind of programmable virtual switch,
unlike the usual logic switch. The input sources selected are for various
physical control switches. The input source of the EdgeTX logic switch
can be physical control switches, telemetry values height, temperature,
current, voltage, speed, RSSI, etc., other logic switches, input values of
controls, global variables, timers, etc.
Operation symbol types of logical switches:
Type 1: Variables And Constants
There are 6 options: a=x; a~x; a>x; a< x; |a|>x; |a|< x;
"a" is the judgment input source of V1, and "X" is a set constant.
Example: Select "a>x", set V1 input source to throttle stick, x=50. That is,
when the throttle stick output is greater than 50, the logic switch will be
Type 2: Logical Operations
"AND" AND operation. V1 and V2 input sources are in the AND
relationship. The logical switch is enabled if both outputs are true.
Example: Select V1 input source "SD lowest" and V2 input source
"SG highest". When SD and SG are in the lowest and highest position
respectively, the logical switch is enabled.
"OR" OR operation.
"XOR" XOR operation.
(To be updated...)
Type 3: Variables And Variables
"a=b" The logical switch is enabled when the value of V1 input source is
equal to V2 input source.
"a>b" The logical switch is enabled when the value of V1 input source is
greater than V2 input source.
"a< b" The logical switch is enabled when the value of V1 input source
is less than V2 input source.
Type 4:
(To be updated...)
Other options are as follows:
"AND" Used to set the general switch of the logic switch. By default, it
is set to "---", indicating that the general switch is ON. You can also set
other input sources as the switch.
"Duration" Used to set the effective time that the logic switch is ON. The
maximum value is 25s.
"Delay" Used to set the delay time for triggering the logic switch to turn
on. The maximum value is 25s.