Set the selected input setup, such as name, effective flight mode, input
source, curve, etc.
Insert Before
Add a new input setup before the selected entry.
Insert After
Add a new input setup after the selected entry. The main difference
between the insertion before and after this entry is the "Multiplex".
Copy the selected input setup.
Move the selected input setup.
Delete the selected input setup.
Select Edit to enter the setting interface.
"Name" It is used to set the mixes name. It is recommended to set
the name of each mixer according to the model's action for better
understanding and usage.
"Source" It is used to set the input source referenced by the mixes. The
input source can directly refer to the input setup and various controls.
The reference of the input setup as the input source can apply the
parameters in the input setup to the mixer at the same time. However,
the direct reference of a control does not necessarily cause the calling
of the relevant setup of this control. It is recommended that the input
source should reference the output setup to achieve more direct setup
for each control.
"Weight" It is used to set the percentage of each input in the mixer and
adjust the ratio output. The adjustment interval is from -100 to +100.
When the value is less than 0, the input source will be reversed. This
ratio will be superimposed with the ratio in the input setup.
"Offset" It is used to adjust the upward and downward offset of the
curve, affecting the high travel, low travel, and neutral travel. The offset
of the input setup and the mixes will be superimposed. In the debugging,
take measures to prevent the superimposed travel from exceeding the
maximum angle of the servo. Otherwise, the servo may be damaged.
"Switch" It is used to set a control to enable and disable the mixer. If
there is no setup, "---" is displayed, indicating that the mixes is always
"Curve" In the top display bar of this interface, you can check the
current channel status.
Note: The usage is similar to the curve usage in the input setup.