Operators Manual
This sections lists the remote commands used by the Product.
SCPI Conformance Information
The Product complies with IEEE-488.2 and SCPI (Standard Commands and
Programmable Interface) version 1999.0 with regards to standard commands,
syntax, and data formats.
Many commands have two forms: the command form and query form. The
command form changes a setting or performs an action. The query form, which
ends with a question mark ‘?’, returns data from the Product.
All commands are sequential. Execution of a command is immediate and
completes before any subsequent command is executed.
Parameters or keywords shown in square brackets “[ ]” are optional. Parameters
shown separated by ‘|’ are alternative values.
Some commands, as noted, may be password protected. The password must be
given with the command SYSTem:PASSword:CENable
(<SYSTem:PASSword[:CENable]>). Some commands are conditionally
password protected depending on the security setting.
Some commands, as noted, are only available in the 7109A-P and 6109A-P.
Command Reference
Commands are listed below in alphabetical order with explanations.
Clear status registers and the error queue.
*ESE <numeric_value>
Set bits in the IEEE-488.2 Event Status Enable Register.
<numeric_value> is a decimal number that ranges from 0 to 255. This
determines which bits of the Standard Event Status Register affect ESB
summary message of the Status Byte Register.