Portable Calibration Baths
Menu Guide
(Program > Select)
Stop Program
Stop the program.
This function only appears if a program is running.
Once stopped, a program cannot be continued.
(Program > Select)
Change the selected program.
A list of program parameters shows:
Program Name identifies which program is selected or running.
Setpoints indicate the number of setpoints that have been defined. It
cannot be changed directly. Use Edit Setpoint to add, delete, or
change setpoints.
Cycles defines the number of cycles completed before the program is
Order controls the order of setpoints. If Order is Linear, the program
setpoints step from first to last in one cycle. The next cycle starts with
the first setpoint again. If Order is Up/Down, the sequence is from first
to last, then backwards last to first to complete one cycle.
Dwell Time is number of minutes the temperature is held at each
setpoint before it advances to the next setpoint. The timer begins
when the control indicator changes to Stable and the ready indicator
is green.
Ramp Rate overrides the Setpoint mode Ramp Rate as a program
Ramp Enable overrides the Setpoint mode Ramp Enable as a
program runs.
) to save the program.