Operating Manual for Operating Table SU-02.0
Dear Clients,
Congratulations on choosing the right product, we wish you would find a
lot of satisfaction while operating it.
Please read this manual very carefully as it includes all the vital
information and notes from the producer concerning proper installation
and maintenance of the product as well as its service.
Żywiecka Fabryka Sprzętu Szpitalnego
General notes
The use, maintenance as well as servicing of this product performed in other
ways than those, which have been stated in this manual is forbidden and may
result in damages, which will encumber the user and which will not be a matter of
producer’s responsibility.
When the operation and parameters of the product do not match the description in
item ‘Operation’ in this manual, the use of the product is not allowed and any
defects have to be reported to the producer or the supplier.
Every repair of the product must be done by a factory or an authorized service
and recorded on the list of repairs, which is supplied with the guarantee certificate.
Disregarding this requirement will cause the guarantee for the product to be
Notes concerned with safety
The sign shown below says: ‘Caution – pay special attention to the Operating Manual’.
A label showing this sign is placed on any parts or mechanisms, which may
prove to be harmful to the patient or the personnel if their operation does not
comply with the descriptions found in this Operating Manual.
Throughout surgical procedures table wheels should be blocked.
When using the table close to medical equipment working on high frequencies and
defibrillators one should closely follow operating instruction for that equipment.
Improper operation may become a source of dangerous accidents. There is a
danger of serious burning of the patient through the contact with metal parts of
the table or its equipment.
Throughout surgical procedures the table must be connected to the installation of
potential equalization in the operations room.
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