Operating Manual for Operating Table SU-02.0
relative humidity: 50% ± 25%.
6.2. Cleaning and disinfecting
For cleaning and disinfecting use cleaning solutions free from bleaching agents (active oxygen or
chlorine), recommended by Famed S.A. in Annex 2 to this manual (allowed to turnover and use on the
territory of the country, where they are used)
After disinfecting wash the product with distilled water to remove stains.
After disinfecting dry thoroughly.
Dry with hot air (max. temp. 60
C) or by wiping with a soft sterile cloth.
Cleaning and disinfecting should be carried out in accordance with Appendix 4.
The product must not be disinfected in disinfecting chambers.
Bleaching (containing active chlorine or oxygen), caustic and corrosive agents
must not be used.
No agents destroying the structure of plastic (organic solvents) may be applied to
the plastic elements.
Before cleaning or disinfecting disconnect from mains!
During cleaning and disinfecting of the control be particularly careful. If the
control gets drenched, dry it as soon as possible and dry its edges with a cloth!
Disregarding the above requirements concerning cleaning and disinfecting shall result in
losing the guarantee for the product.
Damages and defects
Damages and defects found in the product or product accessories should be reported immediately to a
person in charge of such issues. The bed which can not be safely operated (e.g. damaged electric or
mechanical elements ) must not be used till it is repaired.
Repairs and inspections
Repairs are done by the producer or an authorised service. The user can not carry out any repairs on
his own unless he has undergone special training or has been authorised to do that. When the
producer has given his written permission for repair of the product by client’s technical staff, the
producer shall provide the client with necessary charts, lists of spare parts, descriptions and
information on repairs.
The producer allows only to use original spare parts. In order to provide safe and reliable operation of
the product one should use only spare parts provided by the producer. Worn out parts shall be
removed as provided in environmental protection regulations.
The product contains products which may be dangerous to the environment:
- oil (pneumatic spring),
The rules of proceeding with used products which may be dangerous to the
environment are defined in regulations related to proceeding with waste.
Repairs and maintenance must be performed only by qualified personnel. If a product is operated
outside Poland, one should inform about a necessity of a repair a producer or the dealer from whom
the product was purchased.
Every repair of the product must be recorded on the list of repairs enclosed with the guarantee
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