FTP3000 Series Programmable DC Power Supply Operation Manual
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3.6 Output On/Off Control
When power supply is powered on, its output if Off by default. Users can control on/off state of the power supply
via the front panel
lighted up, means the output is turned on, the TFT screen displays V/I information in real time,
lighted off, means the output is turned off, “Off” is displayed at the screen status prompt area.
3.7 Analog Programming
FTP3000 series DC power supply provides optional analog interface at its rear panel. Users are able to control the
power supply’s output voltage, output current through external 0 ~ 5V DC voltage.
Figure 3-6 Analog Programming Wiring
When analog programming function is enabled, the relationship of power supply output and programming signal
is as follows:
Figure 3-7 Input programming signal and output V/I relationship