TCP/IP Network Access Controller
Door Access Mode
Select “Door Entry Mode” or “Door Exit Mode” menu item and press “#” to enter the
submenu. Select the desired mode and press the numerical key “5” to select. The selected
item is marked with a “*”. Then, press“*” or“#” to exit the current interface.
Alarm Setting
The EFC301F controller provides 1 fire alarm input, 4 alarm inputs and 2 alarm outputs.
Users can carry out detailed configurations through the user interface. Details will be
introduced below.
Composition of Alarm
The alarm input of the EFC301F controller can be connected with external alarm equipment
such as a PIR sensor, glass breakage sensor, etc and the alarm output can drive a 4A alarm
Basic Configuration of the Alarm
The EFC301F controller will record all events such as entry permit, entry prohibition, etc.
Some dangerous events are required to trigger alarm output, such as fire alarm input,
protection area alarm input, etc. Some events do not need alarm output, such as card
swiping operations at invalid times. Whether the alarm is required to be triggered will be
set according to the user’s requirement. EFC301F collects all the event records that may
trigger alarm output and makes effective or ineffective alarm choices of these events.
All major events can be set to trigger alarms, such as alarm input signals, unknown cards,
expired cards, invalid cards, invalid door regions, invalid times, anti-passback failure, wrong
password, wrong system password, wrong protection setup/withdrawal password, forced
door open, Door Over Time and remote alarm. The detailed setup method will be
introduced below.
Normal Close
Normal Open
Follow schedule
*Card Only
Card + PIN
Card or PIN
Door Entry Mode
Door Exit Mode