TCP/IP Network Access Controller
Operating button region:
The operating button region includes Add, Edit, Delete, Export and Print buttons for
corresponding operations.
Card list column:
The card list column displays all the information of the card, including the card number,
employee number, cardholder name, card validity, first card door open, protection setup
validity, password status, anti-passback validity, card validity period, card use scheme and
control group.
Add (Register) Card
In the card setting page, click the “Add” button, then the card adding dialog box pops up;
see the figure below:
Figure 13-2 Add card
Operation Procedures:
Input the card number in the textbox. In case of adding multiple cards with consecutive
numbers, check “Mass Cards,” and then input the quantity of cards added in batch. The
input card number is the initial card number.
Set the attributes of the card, including card validity, first card door open, protection
setup validity, anti-passback validity, card validity period, password status, card scheme
selection and control group. Check the first card door open, protection setup validity,
password status and other attributes of the card; input password and duress password;
select card validity period; select the control group; and select the card scheme.
Allocate the card or multiple cards to one Cardholder. After inputting the employee
number, the name column will automatically display the Cardholder number; click to
select. In a similar way, the Cardholder number can be input first.
After selecting the attributes of the card, click the “Save” button, then the card will be