TCP/IP Network Access Controller
If the swiped card has the corresponding user name, after successful authentication, the
user name information of the card holder and “Auth Successful” will be displayed. If the
user name information is not set, the card number of the swiped card will be displayed. If
the card is not available in the system or the card has no door open function, “Auth Fails”
will be displayed.
Door Open with Single Password
In the main interface, press any numerical key and the password input interface will show
The user has three chances to enter the correct password. If all the three inputs are wrong,
“Auth Fails” will display. If the password is correct, “Auth Successes” will display. If the card
number is not displayed and “********” is shown on the screen, the door open when
single password is successful.
Door Open with Both Card and Password
If the authentication is passed after swiping the card, a password window will show up to
request input of the password of the corresponding card.
Door Open with Multiple Cards
In the event that the door is opened only when several card holders swipe the cards at the
same time, after receiving the first card with door opening authority, the controller will
display prompting messages for user information and successful authentication and this will
last 3 seconds. Then a message will prompt for the user to swipe the next card and the
remaining time. If the system receives the next legal card before the end of the time, the
system will display a message of user information and successful authentication and last 3
seconds and then open the door. If the door is still not opened, the system will reset the
remaining waiting time and continue waiting for more cards until the door is opened and
the state before swiping cards is restored. In the above process, the system will not
repeatedly accept the same card. If during the process of waiting for the next card, the
2010-01-04 089:25
Access granted
Welcome to EverFocus
MON 09:25
Access denied
Welcome to EverFocus
Input Card PIN
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