Speech and Data Services
Speech and Data Services
This chapter covers speech and data services, as well as the handling of
the link between the RBS and the RTC (Remote TransCoder) when
neither speech nor data is present.
GSM 03.05 Phase 2 Ver 4.0.0
GSM 08.20 Phase 2 Ver 4.1.0
GSM 08.54 Phase 2 Ver 4.0.0
GSM 08.58 Phase 2 Ver 4.2.0
GSM 08.60 Phase 2 Ver 4.1.0
GSM 08.61 Phase 2 Ver 4.1.0
GSM 11.20 Phase 1 Ver 3.11.0
Whenever a reference is made to a function described in another chapter,
please refer to the table of contents to find the appropriate chapter.
Air Timeslot Resource
The functional entity responsible for all
Air interface functions for one Air
timeslot. The Air timeslot resource can be
seen as 1/8 of a TRX.
Terrestrial Traffic Channel
Physical channel used for communication
with remote transcoder/rate adapter.
When the transcoders/rate adapters are
positioned remote from the RBS, they are
called RTCs. In this document, the RTC
is a part of BSC but is controlled by the
TRAU Frame
To control the RTC from the RBS, control
information is added to the coded speech
information (or data information). This
results in a data block called a TRAU
(Transcoder Rate Adapter Unit) frame
which is transferred between the RBS and
RTC as described in /GSM:08.60/. The
size of the TRAU frame for full rate
speech/data/idle speech is 320 bits.
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