Restart and Recovery
Restart Origin
A restart can occur in any Main RU or in the entire RBS for any of the
following reasons:
Power on
Reset button
Software fault
Memory fault
BSC ordered reset
Central Main RU Restart and Recovery
The sequence of actions initiated in a CMRU at restart and recovery is
summarised below:
Select Application Software
The application software is available even after power on
Further information is found within the context of
Function Change
Conditional RBS Database Load
A valid RBS database must be present for restart and
recovery to be completed
The RBS database is checked to ensure:
The database exists
The structure is correct
If either of these criteria is not fulfilled the restart is
suspended pending the loading of a valid database via the
A visual indicator, ’Fault Indicator’, located on the
backplane flashes to indicate when the RBS is waiting for
the RBS database to be loaded
Internal Link Establishment
The CMRU starts a continuous process which supervises
the internal link establishment and loss, between itself
and its Sub-RUs and the DMRUs.
On link establishment, with a DMRU, the CMRU
compares the revision of DMRU application software in
the DMRU with its own copy of the DMRU software. If
the application software differs, the CMRU updates the
DMRU application software with its own copy.
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