showing the first PIXCI frame buffer, creates an Adjust window with commonly used video capture adjustments, and creates a
Shortcuts Toolbar for accessing the most commonly needed features.
The following windows are now active:
The Main Window, which has options for reconfiguring the PIXCI imaging board, and features independent of the PIXCI
imaging board, such as loading images into image buffers unrelated to video capture hardware.
The PIXCI® Image Viewer window, from which the PIXCI® frame buffers are captured, viewed, examined, processed,
measured, and saved, with a status bar below the image where cursor coordinates and other information is displayed.
The PIXCI® Shortcut Toolbar, with shortcuts for the most commonly needed features relating to the PIXCI® imaging
board and its frame buffers.
An Adjust window, with commonly used video capture adjustments.
If XCAP has already been installed, it may have been configured with one or more variations, such as, (a) Eliminate the Main
Window, automatically opening and displaying the PIXCI® Image Viewer, (b) Configure the Shortcuts and/or Adjust features to
be attached to the The PIXCI® Image Viewer window, rather than detached into their own windows, (c) Select whether the
Shortcuts and/or Adjust features appear automatically, or only when
are clicked, or (d) Remove the status bar, increasing the screen area available for image display. These variations allow custom
configuration of XCAP, but don't affect the functionality of the Shortcuts or Adjustments features.
4.3. PIXCI® SV2, SV3, SV4, SV5 Video Configuration
The PIXCI® SV2, SV3, SV4, and SV5 default to the NTSC video format for S-Video, using the S-Video input, capturing full video
resolution. These defaults can be adjusted as follows.
4.3.1. Video Format
From the Main window, click:
PIXCI® Video Setup
Select an alternate video format, and click:
4.3.2. Video Resolution
Reducing the video resolution (the number of pixels captured per line and column) allows capturing more video frames in a given
size of frame buffer memory.
From the Main Window, click:
PIXCI® Video Setup
Data Pixels per Line
Data Lines per Field
Frame Buffer: 2 Fields (i.e. interlace)
Frame Buffer: 1 Field
as per your application's needs. The:
Image Buffers in Memory
shows the number of frame buffers available with the current selections. Click:
PIXCI® SV4 User's Manual
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