Use of EPIXXCW2.INF (EPIXXCNT.INF for version 2.0 and earlier), above, provides automatic installation of EPIXXCW2.SYS
(EPIXXCNT.SYS for version 2.0 and earlier) in most circumstances. The following information allows manual installation,
correcting problems, or integration with an OEM's procedures.
The EPIXXCW2.SYS (EPIXXCNT.SYS for version 2.0 and earlier) must be copied to the Windows SYSTEM32\DRIVERS
directory, typically:
Using the Registry Editor (REGEDIT) provided with Windows, create an entry such as:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EPIXXCW2 (version 2.1+)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EPIXXCNT (version 2.0-)
This entry must contain:
ErrorControl = 0x00000001
Group = "Extended base"
Start = 0x00000001
Type = 0x00000001
and may, as described below, also contain:
PIXCI = "-IM <memorysize>"
Create an entry such as:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System\EPIXXCW2 (version 2.1+)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System\EPIXXCNT (version 2.0-)
This entry must contain:
EventMessageFile = "%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll"
TypesSupported = 0x00000007
Shut down and restart Windows.
Under Windows 2000, the Windows NT driver EPIXXCWT.SYS can be, and was previously, used instead of EPIXXCW2.SYS.
In contrast to EPIXXCWT.SYS, the EPIXXCW2.SYS is Plug & Play compatible.
3.6.2. Windows 2000/XP - Frame Buffer Memory Allocation
Under Windows 2000/XP, frame buffer memory must be allocated during Windows' initialization.
The requested frame buffer memory size must be specified in the Registry entry described above, using an entry named ''PIXCI'',
such as:
PIXCI = "-IM <memorysize>"
replacing the ''<memorysize>'' with the desired memory size in Kbytes. If no frame buffer memory size is specified, a default size
of 4 megabytes is used. Windows must be rebooted for the new specification to take effect.
Windows 2000/XP limits the maximum amount of allocatable frame buffer memory, dependent upon what other devices are
installed, the total PC memory size, and other factors.
Less than the requested amount of frame buffer memory may be provided by Windows. If no memory could be allocated, XCAP
will not run, stating ''Can't allocate frame buffer memory''. Otherwise, within XCAP, the number of available frame buffers can be
checked under
PIXCI® Video Setup
. As the frame buffer memory is allocated once during Windows
initialization; the contents of frame buffers are retained as XCAP is closed and restarted, but lost if Windows is restarted.
3.6.3. Windows 2000/XP - Forcible Frame Buffer Memory Allocation
As described above, frame buffer memory allocated by EPIXXCW2.SYS during Windows startup may be limited to a small
percentage of total PC memory.
A larger frame buffer memory can be obtained by limiting the amount of memory recognized by Windows 2000/XP, and then
instructing EPIXXCW2.SYS to explicitly use a section of memory without allocating it from Windows 2000/XP:
PIXCI® SV4 User's Manual
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