replacing ''InstallDir'' with the name of the installation directory chosen above. Select ''OK''.
Install Authorization Key (for XCAP-Plus and XCAP-Std):
XCAP-Plus and XCAP-Std, but not XCAP-Lite, are provided with either a printer port authorization key or a USB
authorization key.
The printer port authorization key is approximately the size and shape of a printer cable's connector
(5.5×4.5×1.6 cm), but having 25 pin connectors at both ends and no cable attached. If provided, connect the
authorization key to printer port 1, 2, or 3. If a printer cable was attached to the printer port, reconnect the printer
cable to the back of the authorization key. The authorization key will not affect normal printer operation.
Do not connect the printer port authorization key to a 25 pin serial (RS-232) port, or to any other interface which
happens to use the same style connector; the authorization key will not function, might be permanently damaged, and
the warranty will be void!
The USB port authorization key is approximately the size of a small finger (6.0×1.6×0.8 cm), having a USB standard
4 pin connector at one end. If provided, connect the authorization key to a USB port.
The authorization key must remain attached, to the printer port or USB port as appropriate, while XCAP is running.
If the authorization key is missing, or disconnected while XCAP is running, then XCAP-Plus or XCAP-Std will
behave similar to the XCAP-Lite version; selected image processing and analysis tools will not be operational.
Run the authorization key utility program provided with XCAP by ''Start'', ''Run'':
> C:\XCAP\HLDINST -install
Or, in command prompt mode, switch to the chosen installation directory:
and execute:
HLDINST -install
to run the authorization key utility program.
Install PIXCI® Imaging Board Driver:
If the PIXCI® imaging board's driver was not loaded when the PC was powered up (as described under Hardware
Installation), instruct Windows to load the appropriate driver: Click ''Start'', ''Programs'', and ''Windows NT
Explorer''. Within the chosen installation directory, such as C:\XCAP, find and highlight file DRIVERS\WINNT
\EPIXXCWT.INF (EPIXXCNT.INF for version 2.0 and earlier). From the menu bar, select ''File'' and ''Install''.
Configure S/VGA:
A ''High Color (16 bit or 65536 Color)'', ''True Color (24 bit or 16777216 Color)'', or ''True Color (32 bit)'' setting for
the display adapter (S/VGA) is required for proper display of images and overlay graphics. The ''True Color (24 bit or
16777216 Color)'' or ''True Color (32 bit)'' is suggested for higher quality, and quicker, display of images and overlay
graphics. This may be checked and/or modified via Windows ''Start'', ''Settings'', ''Control Panel'', ''Display'', ''Settings''.
Under ''Start'', ''Settings'', ''Control Panel'', ''Display'', ''Effects'', the ''Show window contents while dragging'' must be
Reboot Windows.
XCAP is now ready to run, clicking ''Start'', ''Programs'', ''XCAP Imaging'', and finally ''XCAP for Windows''.
3.4. Windows NT Esoterica
3.4.1. Windows NT - Manual Installation
Use of EPIXXCWT.INF (EPIXXCNT.INF for version 2.0 and earlier), above, provides automatic installation of EPIXXCWT.SYS
(EPIXXCNT.SYS for version 2.0 and earlier) in most circumstances. The following information allows manual installation,
correcting problems, or integration with an OEM's procedures.
The EPIXXCWT.SYS (EPIXXCNT.SYS for version 2.0 and earlier) must be copied to the Windows SYSTEM32\DRIVERS
directory, typically:
Using the Registry Editor (REGEDIT) provided with Windows, create an entry such as:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EPIXXCWT (version 2.1+)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EPIXXCNT (version 2.0-)
This entry must contain:
ErrorControl = 0x00000001
PIXCI® SV4 User's Manual
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