Setting Up and Collecting Off Route Spectrum Measurements
dataPAC User’s Guide
Trigger Control
The Trigger Control parameter controls the slope type used for the trigger input. Your
selections are:
None - No trigger event is used for this measurement.
Positive Slope, External - Defines the external trigger event to occur on a rising edge.
Requires an external trigger signal, such as a tachometer.
Negative Slope, External - Defines the trigger event to occur on a falling edge.
Requires an external trigger signal, such as a tachometer.
Leading Edge/Trailing Edge - Use this parameter to have the dataPAC automatically
select the rising edge or the falling edge of the trigger mark. The selection is dependent
upon the trigger pulse width and polarity. For example, if the trigger input is a narrow
positive pulse, then Leading Edge selects the rising edge of the trigger event and
Trailing Edge selects the falling edge.
Positive Slope, Internal - Defines the trigger event to occur on a rising edge, from the
internal vibration signal.
Negative Slope, Internal - Defines the trigger event to occur on a falling edge, from
the internal vibration signal.
The internal trigger feature does not support synchronous averaging, but rather supports
collection of transient data. See “Setting up and Collecting an Internally Triggered
Spectrum or Time Waveform” on page 157.
Percent Overlap/Percent Pretrigger
The Percent Overlap parameter specifies the percent overlap to be used for this
measurement. This parameter can reduce the total time that it takes to collect the data
required for a spectral measurement with the number of averages greater than one.
The Percent Pretrigger parameter controls the amount of data collected prior to the trigger
event. This parameter can range from 1 to 100 percent. It only applies to triggered
measurements, so this parameter does not appear if Trigger Control is set to None.
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