dataPAC User’s Guide
Chapter 4 - Off Route Analysis with the dataPAC
Collecting Off Route or Analysis Data
Unscheduled or off route data is additional data you collect that is not part of a list (route).
While collecting list data, you may notice some unusual conditions that you want to analyze
further. You may also want to collect data for undefined points (points not in your
database), or existing points that are not in your current list.
Collecting Off Route Data with the dataPAC 1250
dataPAC 1250
In off route (or analysis) mode, you can take overall or spectral measurements, view them in
real time, and store the data for later inspection and analysis.
While collecting data on any route, you can pause and take unscheduled or off route
measurements. You can also turn the dataPAC on, select any route, then go off route and
collect and analyze data without collecting any route information.
Off route measurements are stored at the current point as an off route measurement or at a
user-defined point. The current point is defined by where you leave the regular route to take
an off route measurement. You may also simply want to use the dataPAC as a real-time
analyzer, solving problems without actually storing the data on your computer.
To unload unscheduled measurements into the host software, you must have first loaded a
list so that the unscheduled measurements can be unloaded with that list.
Collecting Off Route or Analysis Data with the dataPAC 1500
dataPAC 1500 Only
With a dataPAC 1500, there are two ways to get to the off route measurement mode. You
can use the Analysis application from the Program Manager, or press the Off Route softkey
while collecting route data.
When you use the Analysis application, the dataPAC creates a new route file automatically,
and you can begin setting up the measurements and collecting data. When you exit the
Analysis application, dataPAC prompts you to save the created route file.
By default, the dataPAC names the file with a random number that increments by one each
time you save an analysis route. These files may be unloaded to EMONITOR Odyssey 2.0
or Enshare. Refer to the Loading and Unloading chapter for more information if you are
using the host software.
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Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com