dataPAC User’s Guide
Chapter 5 - Balancing Measurements
This diagram shows the connections between the remote dataPAC and the host computer.
Setting Up Remote Transfer on the Host Computer
To load and unload routes, the host computer must have the following programs installed:
dataPAC Utility Program
Scheduler (if automation is wanted)
The dataPAC Utility Program acts a server for the dataPAC to connect to. The Utility must
be in a listening server mode in order to receive route files from the dataPAC. To start the
server mode, follow these steps.
Start the dataPAC Utility Program by pointing to it on the Start menu.
Choose the Serve Collector tab.
Under Communications, choose Modem.
Host Computer:
EMONITOR Odyssey or Enshare (for routes)
dataPAC Utility Program
AreaSpan Utility Program
Modem (external)
Modem (internal or external)
Phone Lines
Serial Connector
dataPAC 1500
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Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com